Memorial. Minimal Jingoism.
Hiked out to the appropriately-named Mt. Isolation this weekend. It's the only 4k peak in the vicinity until you get to Mt. Washington 6 miles north and 2000 ft higher. The hike was part of the flags on the 48 memorial to place flags on all of the 4k peaks on the anniversary of 9/11. We hiked up with the Worcester AMC group and camped at the Rocky Branch shelter overnight. It almost froze overnight and we woke to 32 degree temperatures and frost on the roof. With the extra prepositioning, we hit the summit well before noon and flew the flag as proudly as crunchy left-leaning folk can. I was a bit worried about my-country-right-or-wrong jingoism in the face of the big anniversary. Such things may have been happening back in Civilization with its storm of mass media blowhards. Fortunately, our hike crew favored an introspective memorial over flag-waving.

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